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When the Covid19 pandemic outbreak occurred, most activities have slowed down. And one of the activities that stagnate is an international seminar for the publication of scientific papers.

That is because, international seminars require activity specifications, beyond just conducting a seminar using the web. Separate and concentrated spaces are needed for several simultaneous agendas.

Seminars using video conferencing alone are also inadequate. In addition to the need for separate spaces, the problem of signal and bandwidth in various different places is also a problem.

Seeing the need for scientific publications that must be maintained, we have creating a web-based and android-based application. The name is Digiseminar.id and was born on July 22nd 2020. It is initiate and developed by Dr. Gancar C. Premananto lecturer of Management Department of Faculty of Economics& Business Universitas Airlangga.
Digiseminar.id has already have certificate of Intellectual Property, having Vision “Provider for digital solution on International seminar events” and Mission “The Future of International Seminar & Publication”
Right now, digiseminar.id has already assist many international seminar such as ISCRBM 2021, and INSYMA also many national seminars and workshops. And it has already had thousands of members.

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