The International Academic and Business Visit between Universitas Airlangga and University Malaya is officially held from 21st February 2023 to 28th February 2023 in the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga. A total of 34 participants, with 22 from Universiti Malaya and 12 from Universitas Airlangga, under the main theme of “Embracing Global Exposure in Digital Era”. The program has three main activities, which are academic lectures, business visits, and community development which are aimed to promote global exposure for local potentials, as well to give students more understanding around elevating local potentials by adopting global business practices in digital era.

            Upon arriving, students from Universiti Malaya are greeted by student buddies, committees, as well as welcome remarks by Dr. Martha Ranggi Primanthi, SE, Midec, Ph.D., Coordinator of International Office FEB UNAIR. After having lunch, students then continue to receive lecture from Wahyu Wisnu W, S.E., M.Sc., regarding local economic development in Indonesia and Southeast Asia in Miendrowo Hall.

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           On the second day, students visited Kampung Ketandan, one of the local tourism located in Central Surabaya. When arrived, students are greeted by local residents of RW 4 Kampung Ketandan and a performance of tari remo. In here, students learn about the area around Kampung Ketandan, its Small and Medium Enterprises (SME), and their economic activity. In the third day, students went on business visit to Jawa Pos and PT Sier. In there, they learn about company activities and how companies manage. Students also get the chance to ask questions to learn more about the company. In the end of the day, students went on a boat trip in Kalimas River.

            For the fourth day, students are given academic lecture about Global Human Resource in Digital Era by Dr. Tri Siwi A, SE., M.Si., and Zainul Musthofa, S.M., MBA (24/02) Not only do students learn more insight regarding human resource in the global era, they are also tested through games such as building a bridge from paper. This is to see on how the students are able to manage the human resources on building a bridge that can endure from forces. Later, students get insight about global financing through Global Finace in Digital Era by Chorry Sulistyowati, SE., M.Sc., and Made Gitanadya Ayu Ariani, SE., MSM. Following the agenda, academic lectures are continued in day five, where students are given lecture regarding Global Operations in Digital Era by Dr. Yetti Dwi Lestari, S.T., MT., and Mochamad Thanthowy Syamsudin, SE., MAB. The lecture then continued with Global Marketing in Digital Era by Dr. Masmira Kurniawati, SE., M.SI., and Dr. Gancar Candra Premananto, S.E, M.Si. (25/02)

            Sunday (26/02), students are given the free time for city tour. They visited Mirota souvenir store, continues with having lunch in RM Bundo Sati, where the Universiti Malaya students try Padang cuisine. Next, the tour cotinues to the Hero Museum in Tugu Pahlawan to learn more about the history of Surabaya.

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            On the last day of the agenda, the student buddies presented their final project, which is a community development planning to stimulate the local tourism through increasing global exposure. The final project will be judged, as the best project will be implemented in Kampung Ketandan. After a series of evaluation, the International Academic and Business Visit has come to an end, closed by cultural performance from both universities and awarding session. As to close the agenda, students celebrated by barbeque and karaoke night in Amphiteater. What a recap! We’ll be waiting soon for IABV next year. Thank you FEB UNAIR and see you at Universiti Malaya!

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