EmitenNews.com - PT Semen Indonesia Ali SIG (SMGR) together with 31 SOEs held applied business training. The celebration involved 78 teachers from 26 Islamic boarding schools in East Java (Jatim). The SOE Ministry's initiation program begins with the 2022 Pesantrenpreneur Training of Trainer (ToT) activities.
ToT is a training activity for caregivers and pesantren teachers. It is important to improve the quality of hard skills as a provision of knowledge, and experience to be taught to students in Islamic boarding schools.
The ceremony was carried out by the Minister of SOEs Erick Thohir with the Director of Human Resources and General Affairs of SIG Agung Wiharto at the Qomaruddin Islamic Boarding School, Bungah District, Gresik Regency, East Java, Friday (10/6).
The training materials include technology and engineering, technology and information, health, agribusiness, fisheries and agrotechnology, business, management, make-up, and culinary arts. Through the applied business program, GIS seeks to build the independence of pesantren, and improve the skills of students.
"This is done by students who have an entrepreneurial spirit, can see business opportunities, use networks to collaborate, and apply digital-based technology," said Director of Human Resources and General Affairs of SIG Agung Wiharto.
In addition to training activities, GIS, PLN, and Pelindo signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (Unair), regarding assistance in implementing applied business education for Islamic boarding schools in East Java. Mentoring is carried out for the next 1 year, with the hope that the business run by the Islamic boarding school can develop, and be able to compete.
Meanwhile, SOE Minister Erick Thohir said that the government continues to push for programs that can be the foundation, together to maintain economic growth, it is impossible for developed countries but their people to not prosper. Therefore, the Ministry of SOEs continues to improve, transform, and thank God the results are already there.
“BUMN used to make a profit of Rp. 13 trillion. After 2 years, the directors, commissioners, and all elements of the Ministry of SOEs have tried to clean themselves up, work transparently, professionally, the result is now SOEs profit reaching Rp. 126 trillion, "explained Erick.
Erick's debut advantage, of course, is given to the state so that it continues to hold pro-people programs. For example, free vaccines during Covid-19, free treatment, and fuel subsidies. "We in the government make sure to be present when the people need it. Therefore, SOEs continue to nourish themselves so that they can contribute to the country but do not forget to continue to knit the people's economy such as the people's economy, also create jobs, improve people's education so that they can be better, and become number one human resources, "said Erick.
At that event, SIG together with 31 SOEs provided assistance to the Pesantrenpreneur ToT program in the form of 52 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) learning tools for 26 Islamic boarding schools in East Java, and provided compensation to 31 orphans, and 5 children with disabilities. (*)