A big event was held by LPMB (Business Management Development Institute) FEB Unair on 30 May - 5 June 2022 at FEB Unair. The event is the 2022 TOT Pesantrenpreneur which involves the TJSL (Social and Environmental Responsibility) division of 31 SOEs to foster 78 ustadz and ustazdah from 26 Islamic boarding schools in East Java. The event was opened by the coordinator of the Islamic Boarding School KH Abdul Hamid, the Dean of FEB Unair Prof.Dr. Dian Agustia, MSi., Ak. CMA., and Deputy for Human Resources for BUMN, Technology and Information at the Ministry of BUMN, Mr. Tedi Bharata.
The series of events is quite long, from material on Entrepreneurship, Business Plan, Islamic Financial Management, Sharia Accounting, halal certification, Creative Thinking, digital marketing to specifically discuss various industrial fields. Not only that, the participants were also taken to Islamic boarding schools that already have superior products such as Bumi Sholawat Islamic Boarding School and Mandiri Mukmin.
This event is planned to be the beginning of a series of other sustainable and national activities for the implementation of SDG points 4, 8 and 17.
FEB 1 for Superior Indonesia.