Lecturers of Choice for Undergraduate Management Students

Lecturer of Choice for Undergraduate Management Students 1

An interesting annual event was held again by the Student Executive Board (BEM) FEB Universitas Airlangga on Friday, November 22, 2024. The annual FEB Awards 2024 event was held by students to give appreciation to lecturers based on a survey of undergraduate students. And for undergraduate Management students, 1 names of lecturers emerged from the survey, including;
a. Chorry Sulistyawati, MSi. for "the Most Favorite Lecturer"
b. Sonny Kusumasondjaja, PhD for "the Most Discipline Lecturer"
c. Dr. Gancar C. Premananto for "the Most Innovative Teaching Lecturer"
d. Zainul Musthofa, MBA. for "the Most Supportive Lecturer"
e. Dr. Dien Mardhiyah for "the Most Inspirational Lecturer"
Congratulations to the lecturers chosen by students who have given color to the students. Including other lecturers who have also worked extraordinarily to give insight, knowledge, values ​​and color to the students. May what we do be a blessing for all of us.
Ellena Sasmita Pranata as the Chairperson of the FEB Awards Committee said, "This annual event is intended not only to build positive relationships between students and lecturers, but also as a means of providing appreciation and evaluation in the teaching and learning process in the FEB UNAIR environment. It does not mean that only the lecturers mentioned are lecturers who actively contribute to the Teaching and Learning Process. However, the lecturers chosen by the students are those who made the most impression in the survey conducted."

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