As a globally oriented campus, the Department of Management FEB UNAIR is committed to being involved in internationalization activities. One of the international activities is the 3rd International Master in Management Applied Research Awards 2024 International Seminar. This activity, which has entered its third year, is a collaboration between the Department of Management FEB UNAIR, AAGBS UiTM and MM Universitas Paramadina. The activity will last for 2 days on November 5-6, 2024 at FEB Unair. The first day is an International Seminar with the theme Business Transformation, Digitalization and Sustainability from the POV of practitioners and academics. From practitioners, the speakers who attended included Dr. Ir. Megat Zuhairy (Chief Executive of the National Cyber Security Agency Malaysia) and Mediko Azhar (Chief Marketing and Communication Officer of PT Blue Bird). As for the POV of academics, the speakers were Assoc Prof. Dr. Nor Irvoni Mohd Ishar, Dr. Prima Naomi and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gancar C.Premananto. The second day was no less interesting, namely IMMARA Community Services, namely FGD for the development and marketing of legen products as healthy drinks for the millennial generation and the global market. The event invited the Director of PT Legendtrend Internasional, Mohd Najih Islahuddin.
From 72 submitted papers, the best paper results were obtained for 4 scientific categories.
For FEB Unair Management, 4 best papers were obtained, including for the Financial Management category;
1. Best Paper 1 is Aldith Dea Almeyda and Rahmat Setyawan
2. Best Paper 2 is Lukas Nusa Wedo Lewa and Rahmat Setiawan
For the Marketing Management category, Alifaldo Daffa Darmawan and Gancar C. Premananto won Best Paper 1.
For the Operational Management category are Ria Anggraini Simanjuntak and Dr Gancar C. Premananto.
Additional awards at the IMMARA event were Best SME Consultant for the best advice for PT Legendtren Internasional which went to Ajlal Haider as the second Best SME Consultant.
The event went smoothly and was closed with a relay for the 4th IMMARA 2025 in Jakarta by Paramadina University.