2 New Books by Marketing Lecturer Team

2 New Books by Marketing Lecturer Team 1

2 New Books by Marketing Lecturer Team 2


Lecturers' activities are not only teaching and conducting research, one of the tasks of lecturers is to create scientific works, one of which is a book. And this is also done by the Marketing Management lecturer team. There are 2 new books published in September and October 2024, namely
a. "War Strategy Based Marketing Strategy" by Dr. Gancar C. Premananto, Dr. Masmira Kurniawati, Prof. Dr. Tanti Handriana and Prof. Dr. Sri Hartini and Astandi Dinoryan.
b. "Integrated Marketing Communication" by Dr. Gancar Candra Premananto, Dr. Masmira Kurniawati, Dr. Dien Mardhiyah, and Ratri Amelia Aisyah, MSM.
Both books simultaneously embody the activities valued at SDG point 4, namely improving the quality of education.
Dr. Gancar C. Premananto as the Head of the Management Department of FEB Unair said that, "These 2 books by lecturers show the active contribution of lecturers to make the knowledge they have have a real track record. Baarokallah.

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