MBKM Casual Talk

MBKM Casual Talk 2

Holidays do not mean they are unproductive, this seems to be a real thing in the FEB Unair Bachelor of Management Study Program. Thursday, May 1 23, KPS S2024 Management, Dr. Dien Mardhiyah invited students from the 1 and 2021 classes to discuss what and how the internship program in the MBKM program is. Including how the conversion system works. Several cases were also discussed related to problems often experienced by upper class students. These include taking part in activities without coordinating with the study program, resulting in problems when converting grades.
Even though it was a holiday, students were enthusiastic about taking part in the event, considering that the event was also invited by seniors and alumni who had successfully undergone internship programs, including Gita Chandra Nirmala, Anggito Padmanaba and Shafira Salma.
Good luck always gaining experience and connections from the world of practitioners.

MBKM Casual Talk 3

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