Halal Bi Halal Department of Management FEB UNAIR

Halal Bi Halal Department of Management FEB UNAIR 3 1

To create solidarity between senior and junior lecturers, active and retired as well as educational staff within the Department of Management, FEB Unair, a Gathering event was held in the Halal bi Halal framework of the Department of Management. Held Friday, April 19 2024 on the 18th floor of the ASEEC building. The event was lively. Starting with an opening from the Head of the Management Department, FEB Unair, Dr. Gancar C Premananto said that the event was designed as an informal meeting only, without formal academic events.
After prayer, the event continued with the delivery of a message from senior Prof. Sri Maemunah Soeharto, who conveyed the message that lecturers should enjoy the busyness they face, because there will be times when they will be confused about what they will do in retirement.
The event was also continued with a social gathering, and the lucky person who got the social gathering was Dr. Windijarto and Dr. Gancar C Premananto.
God bless

Halal Bi Halal Department of Management FEB UNAIR 2 1 


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