Collaboration Meeting with Cambridge University

Collaboration Meeting with Cambridge University 2

An exploration of cooperation was carried out again by the Management Department of FEB Unair, this time in connection with the visit of Yusuf Seto and Rizky Konstantinovha from Cambridge University Press on Friday, April 5 2024.
Taking place in the Management Department Room, the discussion was attended by lecturers concentrating on Entrepreneurship, including Dr Tri Siwi Agustina, Dr Febriana Ningrum, Nurlaily Fitdiarini, MBA and Dr Tuwanku Aria. Together with the Head of the Management Department, Dr Gancar C Premananto and the Secretary of the Management Department, FEB Unair, Dr Yetty Dwi Lestari, various collaboration possibilities were discussed, including training and certification for students, international competitions, use of the Cambridge library for entrepreneurship and other possibilities. The results of the discussion agreed that after Eid a more intensive meeting would be held regarding various existing collaboration possibilities.

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