Starting activities at the beginning of the HiMA year for the S1-S3 study program within the Management Department of FEB Unair, on February 12 2024 a coordination meeting was held between the management and Kahima. The aim of the activity is to coordinate, synergize and support activities at various levels as well as being a forum for obtaining input and suggestions from activities to be carried out by the Management Department and the Management Student Association. Present at the Tirtodinigrata Hall were from the Management Department of FEB Unair, Dr Gancar C Premananto, Dr. Yetty Dwi Lestari, Prof Tanti Handriana, Dr Dien Mardhiyah, Dr Masmira Kurniawati, Dr Rahmat Setyawan. From Kahima attended Kahima S1 M Radika Bahtiar, Kahima MSM Gawik Setiawan, and Kahima S3 Wentik Krisnawati accompanied by Hima Secretary Wulan Purnamasari.
Various activities were discussed to become activities that could provide competence and achievement for students.
Coordination events build a spirit of togetherness to jointly improve the reputation of management and business at national and international levels. Spiritual, Unity, Pride.
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