Every year, the FEB Unair Management Department always facilitates increasing the competency of educational staff. For 2024, the FEB Unair Management Department is holding a workshop on introducing the Tridharma application tool to replace the Smartory application and improving social media. Followed by educational staff from S1, MM, MSM and DIM study programs, invited speakers including Susanto, ST., MMT. and Dunga Dwi Barinta, MM. The event, which took place in 2 sessions, provided training to staff to be able to assist activities in study programs and departments more effectively and efficiently. Dr. Gancar always said that the organizers of this workshop had a multiplier effect on administrations that used the services of staff staff. It is hoped that staff will have self-development certification to also provide credit points for them. Apart from that, it will help departments and study programs to perform better."
The event which was held on Tuesday, February 6 2024 from 14.00-15.30 was effective, ending with the presentation of speaker certificates to the speakers.
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