The Management Department's support for entrepreneurs and MSMEs is no joke. After creating the application, sending several lecturers to undergo MSME assistant certification, conducting MSME community service training, opening the MSME Solutions Helpline, etc. This time the FEB Unair Management Department published a book together with the lecturers. The book entitled Questions and Answers on Spiritual Management of MSMEs is a collection of the Spiritual Management consultation column in AMAL magazine resulting from collaboration with the social foundation Kotak Amal which has been running since 2020. In the book, various discussions related to questions regarding marketing management, financial management, HR management, are recorded. operational management and entrepreneurial management. The rubric was answered by Management Department experts according to their field of expertise, for Marketing it was filled by Dr. Gancar Candra Premananto, Dr. Masmira Kurniawati, Prof. Sri Hartini, and Dr. Dien Mardhiyah. Financial Management was discussed by Dr. Puput Tri Komalasari. The HR field was answered by Dr. Ahmad Rizki Sridadi. Operational Management by Dr. Yetty Dwi Lestari. Entrepreneurial management was discussed directly by Dr. Tri Siwi Agustina and Noorlaily Fitdiarini, MBA.
Furthermore, the books published by AUP will be donated to the FEB Unair library and to MSMEs assisted by the Surabaya City Government/Dekranasda. So using books will be in accordance with the main objective, namely a form of support for business education for economic actors relevant to SDG 8.
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