Management Department Leadership Evaluation and Coordination Meeting

Management Department Leadership Evaluation and Coordination Meeting 2

Various activities have been carried out by managers within the management department of FEB Universitas Airlangga during 2023. And at the end of 2023, it is time for the 2023 evaluation meeting and coordination of 2024 activities. The event was held casually at the Sanskrit restaurant on December 13 2023, and was attended by, among others,
1. Head of the FEB UNAIR Management department, Dr Gancar C. Premananto,
2. Secretary of the Management Department FEB UNAIR, Dr. Yetty Dwi Lestari,
3. KPS S1 Management FEB UNAIR, Dr. Dien Mardhiyah,
4. KPS Master of Management FEB UNAIR, Dr. Masmira Kurniawati,
5. KPS Master of Management Science FEB UNAIR, Dr. Rahmat Setiawan
6. KPS S3 Doctor of Management Science FEB UNAIR, Prof. Dr. Tanti Handriana
7. Head of the JMTT Journal Editorial Team, Rahmat Heru Setianto, MSc.
The event began with gratitude for the achievements in various study programs and journals within the FEB UNAIR Management department, especially regarding the direction of internationalization that has been developed together. The discussion then continued with various future plans that could be carried out with the management team. What is certain is that there is optimism from the management in carrying out the remainder of their positions in 2024. We wish success and blessings to the FEB UNAIR management department in 2024.

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