Marketing Guest Lecture from Dr. Ahmed Muneeb Mehta

Marketing Guest Lecture from Dr Ahmed Muneeb Mehta 2

Thursday, December 14 2023, in Room 203 FEB Unair, a guest lecture was held from the University of Punjab, by Dr. Ahmed Muneeb Mehta. A guest lecture was held for IUP class students, as closing material. The material presented is related to the art of developing marketing strategies and holistic marketing. In this course, students not only receive enrichment from international practitioners such as Mr. Agung Giri Djatmiko, Manager of a multinational company, but also enrichment from foreign campus lecturers.
Stated by Dr. Ahmed, that students need to improve their competencies, in line with the need for companies to improve their business competencies. Among them is the 3Re formula, namely Redefining the Business Concept, Reshaping the Business Scope, Repositioning the Company's Brand Identity.
Dr. Gancar as the teaching lecturer expressed his gratitude for Dr Ahmed's willingness to provide material to students to deepen the marketing management material they had studied.

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