Who hasn't heard the name Dolly as the biggest prostitution locale in Southeast Asia in the past? So why are lecturers from Malaysia flocking to Dolly's alley? Malaysian lecturers who are members of Malaysian Consumer & Family Economics came to Dolly's alley on November 17 2023, as part of the International Community Services event held by the FEB Unair Management Department in collaboration with MACFEA-AACIM (Asian Association for Consumer Interest & Marketing). Lecturers from various well-known campuses such as UPM, UKM, and UiTM Malaysia as well as UNAIR, ITB, ULM and Unpak visited in order to provide support and ideas for MSME Dolly so that it can continue to live and develop. For this reason, they saw firsthand how MSMEs were developing, and then carried out FGDs to develop ideas for further cooperation. The results of the idea formulation were then submitted to the Surabaya City Government through Tatik Lely Juwita, SE, M.SM
(Chair of the Micro Business Development and Supervision Team
Surabaya City Cooperatives, SMEs and Trade Department). There was a suggestion for the need to bring out Surabaya's identity in Dolly's UMKM products as well as the need for Pentahelix collaboration in rebranding Dolly from a prostitution area to a sociopreneur area. From this event, plans emerged to create more collaboration between various parties in managing MSMEs in Dolly.
Bang Jarwo, the owner of the tempe business who was visited, said, "Hopefully this will be a good start for making Dolly tourism. It will give you more enthusiasm to move to build the Dolly tourist village. During the pandemic there were no visiting guests, so far there have been almost no visits from MSME friends. ."
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