Being part of the international world has become an internalized spirit in the lives of lecturers at the Department of Management, FEB, Airlangga University. One of them is realized in the activity of hosting international events from 2 major associations, namely the Malaysian Consumer and Family Economics (MACFEA) and the Asian Association of Consumer Interest & Marketing (AACIM). On 15-17 November 2023, 3 international events which are interesting and have great SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) value will be held.
The first event held on November 15 was the MACFEA-AACIM International Seminar 2 2023. The seminar, which is held every 2 years, featured key speakers including Dr. Mohd Aminuddin Sham bin Tajudin (BOD member of Perbadanan Putrajaya); Prof. Dr. Faridah (MACFEA advisor); Assoc Prof. Fandy Tjiptono (School of Marketing & International Business, Victoria University of Wellington New Zealand) and attended by research lecturers from UPM, UKM, UiTM, and IIUM Malaysia as well as research lecturers from Unair, IPB, ULM and UnPar. Various research results in the forum, both regarding sustainable consumption for energy, anti-fraud/scamming, television marketing strategies, efforts to empower MSMEs, and other interesting topics.
On the second day, November 16, the Discussion Forum on Potential Collaboration of Indonesian-Malaysian Researchers was held. From this event, several major themes for research collaboration in 2024 were agreed, including the themes of halal awareness, sustainable consumption, digital marketing, and financial capabilities.
The third day was an even more interesting day where international community service was carried out. With an effort to help efforts to improve the MSME economy in the former Dolly localization. An FGD was held between Malaysian and Indonesian MSME consultants, the results of which were submitted directly to the Surabaya city government and the NGO Movement Painting Hope. Dr Gancar as the committee member said that these various events were held as an effort to improve the quality of education and research for Management lecturers as well as to contribute to the campus world to the world of practitioners and the global world.
All three events were successful and left positive impressions from various parties. One of the Malaysian Profs who attended, Prof Faridah said, "Food yummylucious. Good transportation. Great Indonesian hospitality". Likewise, participant from Kalimantan, Dr. Fifi Swandari, said that the event ran successfully. All the agendas went well. In fact, much of the research collaboration was well conditioned.
All parties hope that existing activities can be implemented sustainably.
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