As a grant recipient for SUIC (Sustainable University-Industry Collaboration) activities, Dr Gancar C. Premananto collaborated with PT Rembaka, cosmetics manufacturer La TUllipe to hold a workshop for students. The workshop activity "Building Management Impression at Workplace & Workspace" was held on Tuesday 7 November 2023 , at 09.00-11.00 in the Miendrowo Hall, 3,5th floor of the FEB Building, Airlangga University. The event took place according to the rundown starting with the moderator, Dr Gancar C. Premananto, opening the event at 9.00 followed by the first speaker, Dr Masmira Kurniawati, delivering material regarding the important value of Personal Branding at digital era. The next session was continued by PT Rembaka as the producer of La Tullipe cosmetics, namely Beauty Coach La Tullipe Merry Ayu Sandra, who discussed the important introduction of skin recognition to be able to use make up appropriately in order to support appearance at work. Followed by a make up demo. up using models from Airlangga University FEB Ambassadors, namely Ni Kadek Amara and Rifki Ivan. So that participants gain an understanding of what cosmetics are appropriate for men and women.
The question and answer event was lively considering that the questioners received merchandise from La tullipe and shopping vouchers/cash prizes from the FEB Unair Management Department.