Indonesian Corporate Sustainability Initiatives 2023 jury

Indonesian Corporate Sustainability Initiatives 2023 jury

An award giving event for companies in Indonesia was held by the Swasembada Media Group, namely Indonesia Corporate Sustainability Initiatives 2023. The Swasembada Media Group, which owns media magazines including Mix and SWA magazines, invited the Chair of the Management Department, FEB Unair, Dr. Gancar C Premananto is one of the judges at prestigious events for various companies in Indonesia related to CSR activities. Together with other judges, including Mr. Dwi Rahmat Muhtaman, Mrs. Fardila Rahmiliza and Mr. Edy Aruman, judging was carried out on 30 awarding participants. The judging event will take place for 3 days from 3-5 October 2023, the results of which will be announced in November.
Gancar felt that this event was very interesting because there were many extraordinary company CSR activities that could become best practices for other companies in terms of implementing CSV, Employee Voluntary and Cause Marketing. Always success for companies in Indonesia that always share in the prosperity of the Indonesian nation

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