2023/2024 Odd Semester Activity Coordination Meeting

As a form of effort to successfully achieve targets for each study program and department within the Management Department, FEB UNAIR, a coordination meeting was held in the Management Department meeting room on the 1st floor. Attended by the Department of Management Secretary Dr Yetty Dwi Lestari, KPS S1 Management Dr Dien Mardhiyah and KPS DIM Prof. Tanti Handriana and Department staff, Zainul Musthofa, MBA.
On this occasion, several agendas were discussed, such as plans for international seminar activities, international awards, as well as efforts to send several lecturers to various campuses abroad. The needs of each study program were also discussed in an effort to achieve their targets. Apart from that, efforts to improve community service and certification of Management Department lecturers were also discussed.
Hopefully the Management Department's achievements will be better in the future. Amen!

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