The FEB UNAIR Management Department's commitment to supporting MSMEs and start-ups continues to be developed in various ways. After creating a Spiritual Management Question and Answer book for MSMEs which is in the process of being printed at AUP and the Ruang application which has been certified by IPR. Followed by collaboration with PUSPAS Unair to develop students who live in the Griya Khadijah dormitory to provide entrepreneurial skills. This time, the FEB UNAIR Management Department launched a hotline for MSME consultations with FEB UNAIR Management experts. Named UMKM Solutions, the hotline has a beautiful number 081553002299. For MSME entrepreneurs who have problems related to financial management, marketing, HR, operations and other entrepreneurship, you no longer need to be confused about finding a place to ask. The Management Department, which has many certified experts with professional competence, will help provide solutions for FREE as a form of service to the community.
The MSME Solutions Hotline also collaborates with practitioner partners who are members of the Airlangga Business Community (ABC), to be able to provide more practical solutions from UNAIR alumni business people.
Dr. Gancar C Preman anti, as Chair of the FEB UNAIR Management Department, stated, "We hope that the Business Solutions number can be kept by MSMEs and start-up players to be able to help them when they need business advice at any time. The consultants who help will be looked for experts who "according to the problems faced. So that MSME Solutions will become a trusted partner for efforts to improve the working environment and the nation's economy which is mandated by SDG point 8."
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