Monday, 14 August 2023 (13.00 - 15.00 WIB), Research and Publication Center (3P) Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR), held a Workshop entitled "Behavioral Finance: Over-indebtedness in Consumer Credit", with speakers from Lecturers School of Business and Management Bandung Institute of Technology (SBM ITB), Ana Noveria, SE., MBA., Ph.D.
This workshop session raised the issue of over-indebtedness which is based on the phenomenon of increasing numbers of loans and widening access to credit for various levels of society, which has caused more and more people to take credit beyond their financial means and end up in financial distress.
Ana Noveria, tries to explain and examine this over-indebtedness through the perspective of Behavioral Finance, where there are 2 main factors that can be an explanation for these irrational financial decisions and financial behavior, namely: Behavioral Biases and Cognitive Biases. As for overcoming the issue of over-indebtedness, Ana Noveria emphasized the importance of Financial Literacy and the role of Behavioral Nudges.
This activity was carried out offline from Room 204, 2nd Floor of FEB UNAIR, and was attended by Lecturers from across Faculties and Students from across Departments at various levels (S1-S3).
The workshop ended with a very interactive and interesting discussion and question and answer session, with very high enthusiasm from the participants, before closing with a session of giving souvenirs and certificates by Deputy Dean II of FEB UNAIR - Dr. Nisful Laila.
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#faculty of economics and businessunair
#Airlangga University