As a campus with integrity, FEB Universitas Airlangga also appreciates its outstanding graduates. And on August 10, 2023, there was a release of students from 4 Departments within FEB UNAIR. And one of those who received appreciation as the best graduate for the Masters level was Nonifili Febrianti Harefa who graduated from MSM with a GPA of 3,96.
On the next occasion, an appreciation was given from the Management Department of FEB Unair to the best graduates in the August 2023 period, including
for the best graduate of S1 Management FEB Unair,
1. Aldisha Dwista Safiya with a GPA of 3,91
2. Ilham Altifari Habiby Koenaedi with a GPA of 3,82
3. Melinda Lusiyana with a GPA of 3,81
4. Linda Kastarina with a GPA of 3,81
5. Lidya Aisha Putri with a GPA of 3,79
6. Affrida Noviyanti Bidari with a GPA of 3,79
7. Vanya Jossi Andaran with a GPA of 3,78
8. Dewi Anisah with a GPA of 3,76
9. Delavilianda Baby Efa with a GPA of 3,76
10 Laila Hidayat with a GPA of 3,74
for the MM Study Program, among others,
1. Andrawina Kartika Sari with a GPA of 3,86
2. Fathy Wahyu Al Hafiish with a GPA of 3,82
3. Dian Eka Pratiwi with a GPA of 3,8
4. Wardiman W. Katili with a GPA of 3,79
5. Ari Gunawan with a GPA of 3,79
For MSM's best GPA, among others,
1. Nonifili Febrianty Harefa with a GPA of 3,96
2. Yuni Wulandari with a GPA of 3,93
3. Paramudita Indraswari with a GPA of 3,82
4. Setia Dwi Ratna Rahmawati with a GPA of 3,78
5. Aulia Clarining Sukmawati with a GPA of 3,74
Meanwhile, the highest GPA for the Doctor of Science in Management study program was for Annisa Pramudita with a GPA of 3,9.