Based on Permendikbud No. 3 of 2020, which states that the curriculum is an institutional mandate that must always be updated in accordance with developments in needs and science and technology as outlined in Graduate Learning Achievements (CPL), BSI seeks to make curriculum adjustments by redesigning the curriculum. On August 5, 2023, the curriculum redesign team for the FEB Management Study Program, Bina Sarana Informatics University, consisting of Dr. Ani wijayanti, M.Par, MM CHE - Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Nurvi Oktiani, SE, MM as Head of Management Study Program, Sofyan Marwansyah, SE, MM as Curriculum Development Coordinator, Dhuha Safria, SE, MM - Student Affairs Coordinator, Alan Budi Kusuma, SE, MM coordinator for Lecturer Development, Channisa Purwaningrum, S.Pd, MM - Coordinating Staff for Lecturer Development with Dr. Dien Mardhiyah, SE., MSi, as the Coordinator of the FEB Unair Bachelor of Management study program discussed the draft curriculum that had been made by the curriculum team of the FEB Management Study Program univ BSI. Course content and curriculum structure, in which semester position the course will be taught, also need to be considered in redesigning the curriculum. This is intended so that the Graduate Learning Outcomes are in accordance with the expected Graduate Profile.