As an effort to build a community of Management lecturers, Prof. Sri Maemunah Soeharto held a thanksgiving event by inviting lecturers from the Department of Management and from other departments, both Accounting, Economics and Islamic Economics. Management Gathering on 30 July 2023 at Prof.'s house. Harto, who celebrated his 86th birthday on 31 July 2023. The event was even more special because it was also attended by the Dean of FEB Universitas Airlangga, Prof.Dr. Diane Agustia. The leisurely luncheon took place warmly and at the same time was to emulate his tenacity, which until he was 86, remained active in learning activities and exams.
Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, also congratulated Prof. Harto, "Happy Birthday Prof. Harto. May you live a long, blessed, healthy and happy life. Aamiin YRA"
Thank you Harto for his enthusiasm which really inspired us lecturers to always be active in sharing. Good luck...