Visit from University of Gorontalo

For the umpteenth time, the Department received visits from other campuses to conduct benchmarks. This time the visit was carried out by the University of Gorontalo, among others;
1. Andi Juanna (Head of Management Study Program)
2. Robiyati Podungge (Accreditation Form Taskforce Team)
3. Rezkiawan Tantawi (Journal Manager)
4. Mohamad Agus Salim Monoarfa (Accreditation Form Taskforce Team).

Guests are received by;
1.Dr. Yetty Dwi Lestari (Secretary of Management Department)
2.Dr. Dien Mardhiyah (KPS S1)
3.Dr. Tuwanku Aria Auliandri (Lecturer in Management and Manager of Inobis Journal)
4. Indrianawati Usman (Lecturer in Management). The visit which lasted for approximately 2 hours discussed among others;
- Academic Policy and Curriculum Management
- System Data Management
- Journal Management
- International Accreditation Acceleration.
At the end of the event, the guests expressed their satisfaction by stating "We are happy to get a lot of input from sharing discussions, especially for the development of the MBKM curriculum and practice in the field along with solutions to problems that are often encountered. Regarding journal management, they get a lot of input on how journal development is managed. so that the quality can be improved in the future.”
The Management Department of FEB Airlangga University as an institution that continues to progress and develop is very open to receiving benchmark visits from various campuses, as a form of sharing experiences for implementing SDG 4, improving the quality of education in Indonesia.

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