The meeting room on the 1st floor of the Management Department was visited by beautiful ladies from Garuda Indonesia Airlines (GIA). Monday, June 26 2023, GIA Jakarta was represented by, among others, Ambar Dewi Pratiwi, Poppy Anggraini and Martha Listiarini, from GIA Surabaya represented, among others, Dewa Ayu Putu and Fildzah Nur Khanani. The Management Department was represented by the Head of the FEB Unair Management Department, Dr. Gancar C. Premananto, KPS S1 Management Dr. Dien Mardhiyah and Secretary of Management Study Program Made Gitanadya. The visit of the beautiful ladies from GIA was in order to discuss preparations for the Garuda Mengajar collaboration which is in line with FEB's activities holding CEO Mengajar. In addition to the event, other collaborative activities were offered, including aviation research grants, student internships, CSV and SROI assistance for Garuda, etc. The discussion went warm as hot as sweet tea served. Resulted in an agreement to continue discussions for technical fixation of various possible collaborations in the implementation of SDG points 1, 4 and 8.