Staff Provision Workshop on Repository Digitization

Digitalization is not something that needs to be questioned anymore. In fact, all activities must be able to accommodate the use of technology and the internet as a tool in activities. Especially in the current era, where work activities are increasing in line with the demands of administrative records. This was also realized by the Management Department of FEB Airlangga University, which initiated an application to store data on the Tridharma Decree of Higher Education. Named SMARTory - System for Management Repository, the application is intended to store data for lecturers who increasingly need administrative management of their storage. And with this application the training staff within the Management Department of FEB Airlangga University were given training on how to enter SK data for teaching, testing, and guiding. With these basic data, the lecturers are no longer confused about where to look for various decrees related to the Tri Dharma activities of their Higher Education.
The workshop event was guided by the developer, namely Mr. Susanto, SE., MMT. and Achmad Jamaluddin, S. Kom.
The event continued with efforts to register the new application Intellectual Property Rights. The teaching staff immediately tested the application while providing input for further development.
It is hoped that this pilot application will be further developed for wider interests at the Faculty and University level.

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