Management Lecturer Gathering

Gatering Management Department 2023 1


Tuesday 30 May 2023, in the 17th floor of the ASEEC building a meeting was held for Management FEB Unair lecturers. The event took place lively from the start at 10 o'clock with the presence of senior and junior lecturers, as well as LB lecturers as well as retirees.
Event after event took place imperceptibly, including socialization of the Integrity Zone (ZI) by Area 5 Manager, Dr. Gancar C. Premananto; submission of promotion procedures and regulations by Prof. Tanti Handriana and Dr. Rahmat Setyawan (Unair PAK and BKD Team); Conditions for the appointment of FEB Unair Management Lecturers by Mr. Sugeng Riyanto SE. (KaUr HR FEB Unair); as well as the Strategic Plan of the Management Department of FEB Airlangga University.
The event was closed with a discussion of mental training plans for FEB Unair Management lecturers. The spirit to build integrity, work together to create synergy, and communality was felt by all event participants.

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