MBKM S1 Management Visitation FEB Unair

MBKM 1 visit


The implementation of MBKM at Universitas Airlangga needs to be evaluated regularly, considering that MBKM is an important activity for study programs in improving the quality of education for its students. And within the S1 Management Study Program, FEB Universitas Airlangga, a MBKM Monitoring and Evaluation Visitation (Monev) was carried out on July 26, 2022. The evaluator was Prof. Nurul Barizah, SH. LLM., PhD. and Dr. Soelistyowati SH. MH, the event was attended by Dr. Dien Mardhiyah has always been a KPS S1 Management as well as the leader of the MBKM team. Also attending to accompany was Made Gitanadya, MSM. (SPS S1 Management), Dr Gancar C Premananto (Head of Management), Dr Yetty Dwi Lestari (Sekdep Management) and also by the secretary of SPM Dr. Fatin Fadhilah.
Question after question discussed resulted in positive findings that MBKM had been running well, both socialization, module preparation, well-coordinated implementation and an evaluation process for partners, students and managers. The existence of SOPP development by FEB that accommodates the implementation of MBKM is also a positive note from the evaluators.

Good luck to all of us.

MBKM 2 visit

MBKM 3 visit

MBKM 4 visit

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