After participating in the training process organized by Publons Academy by Universitas Airlangga batch 1, Prof. Tanti Handriana and Prof. Badri Munir S. is listed as one of the experts in h ...
On December 10, 2020, from the results of the General Election (Pemira) the new Kahima Fikriananda Addo Rahmawan was elected, replacing Muhammad Daffa Priambodo. And now a new team from HIMA Manaj has been composed.
Building synergy by collaborating is a must in the world of Management, to unite strengths and eliminate each other's weaknesses. And collaboration is not limited to Management...
Online meetings have become commonplace in this pandemic period. Considering however coordination must still be done in any condition. Similarly, the managers of the Department of...
The world of marketing and consumer behavior has undergone tremendous changes during the pandemic. Even the behavior patterns at the beginning and end of 2020 are different, although they are still the same during the pandemic. The most...
There is something new in the Management Department room, namely the co-Working space area for Lecturers, especially in the Management Department of FEB Unair. In the room, there is an area for...
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Alhamdulillah, the decree on the determination of the management team within the Management Department 2020-2025 has been issued. And the inauguration for all Department Heads, Department Secretaries, ...
Being invited to a knowledge sharing event at the "Ask the Experts" event became an interesting thing, considering that the participants were practitioners who already had a lot of experience in both marketing and ...
To improve business communication skills in English, MM FEB Unair introduced the Global Business Management (GBM) course. In this course, students are required to use...
Opinion : The Dark Side of Harbolnas and How to Fix It by: Amak Muhamad Yaqoub Source : Jawa Pos 12 December 2020
An achievement from the academic community of Universitas Airlangga reappeared at the end of 2020. In an event organized by Belmawa, the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, namely the B...
The Indonesian Academy of Management International (IAOM) held its first international seminar on 9-10 December 2020. With the theme "New Normality at Work, Insights from Management Research" ...