Optimally Managing Company's Working Capital

On Wednesday, November 25, 2020, there was a guest lecture from 2 special speakers, namely alumni of the FEB Unair Management S1 study program. The first resource person was Putri Ira Tesalonika, SE., MSc from the Class of 1994 and currently works as a senior accounting specialist at Municipal Accounts & Consulting LP, Houston, Texas, USA. The second resource person is Andhito Titah Ramadhana, SM. from the Class of 2008 as an entrepreneur in the garment, property, and culinary fields. This guest lecture has the theme “Optimal Management of Company Working Capital”, with two different perspectives, namely from company employees in America and from entrepreneurs. This event has been held online with the moderator of the Financial Management concentration lecturer, Made Gitanadya, SE., MSM.

Andhito Titah Ramadhana SM

The first speaker was Mr. Andhito who told his experience of managing a business while studying. PT Vido Garment Indonesia started in 2009 with an order from Airlangga University, managed by Mr. Andhito as manager with his business partners as investors. For the garment business, Mr. Andhito always tries to find a reputable company or agency as his client to obtain continuous uniform orders. Mr. Andhito emphasized that the main difficulty in managing working capital is the collection of receivables, which is no secret is the main challenge in the garment sector where the age of receivables can reach 3 months, so the key to the business is to get clients with faster working capital turnover.

Princess Ira Thessalonica SE. MSc

The second speaker was Mrs. Putri who told her experience of studying Masters in Russia to working in the United States. Mrs. Putri also explained her work when issuing municipal bonds for her company in Texas. Municipal bonds do not yet exist in Indonesia because the state's authority in the United States is much wider, including to issue their own debts than the provincial governments in Indonesia, so that students get a lot of new information and knowledge from Mrs. Putri's explanation.

The guest lecture has run smoothly and the number of participants reached 145 students. Participants were very enthusiastic to ask questions to the two speakers until the event time limit was exceeded. The moderator of the event, Ms. Made Gitanadya, expressed her hope that similar events could be held again so that students gain knowledge from real practice in the field. (MG).

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