Introduction to the Head of the Management Department

   The Past, Present & Future of Management


















Dr. Gancar C. Premananto, SE. M.Sc. CMA.

Head of Management Department
faculty of Economics and Business
Airlangga University


Assalamu'alaikum, may prosperity and safety always be with us management community. Together we have experienced an extraordinary time at the beginning of 2020. A time when we must evaluate the management knowledge that we have learned over the years, considering the many changes that have occurred. The present has taught us that adjustments must be made in the business education process, both materially and in the business learning process. The present also teaches that to move towards the future, we must move faster and more globally by leveraging IT and collaboration.

And most importantly is the need to build a transcendental relationship. It became a slogan Airlangga University is GREAT (Humble-Excellence-Brave-Agile-Transcendence) to go SmartUniversity Bismillah. May all dreams come true with His blessing. Amen!




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